
Installation on macOS or Linux

The easiest way to install Tamarin on macOS or Linux is to use Homebrew:

It’s separately packaged for

You can also download binaries directly from GitHub and manually install dependencies yourself, or compile from source.

Installation on Windows 10

You can install Tamarin (with GUI) under Windows 10 using the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL). For performance and compatibility reasons, we recommend using WSL2 with Ubuntu. Once you have WSL and Ubuntu installed, start the Ubuntu app and install Tamarin following the installation instructions for Linux above. You can then run Tamarin inside the the Ubuntu app using the usual command. To use the interactive mode, start Tamarin inside the app and connect your usual Windows-run browser to Your Windows files are accessible inside the Ubuntu app via, e.g., /mnt/c for files on drive C:.

Compiling from source

You don’t need to compile Tamarin from source unless you are developing a new feature for it or you want to use an unreleased feature. However, if you do want to install it from source:

Manually install dependencies

Tamarin requires Haskell Stack to build and GraphViz and Maude (2.7.1 or newer) to run. The easiest way to install these is

brew install tamarin-prover/tap/maude graphviz haskell-stack

Alternatively, you can install them yourself:


Check out the source code with

git clone

and you have the current development version ready for compilation. If you would prefer to use the master version, just run git checkout master.

In either case, you can then run make default in the new directory, which will install an appropriate GHC (the Glasgow Haskell Compiler) for your system, including all dependencies. The tamarin-prover executable will be copied to ~/.local/bin/tamarin-prover. Note that this process will take between 30 and 60 minutes, as all dependencies (roughly 120) are compiled from scratch. If you later pull a newer version of Tamarin (or switch to/from the master branch), then only the tool itself needs to be recompiled, which takes a few minutes, at most.

Running Tamarin on a remote machine

If you have access to a faster desktop or server, but prefer using Tamarin on your laptop, you can do that. The cpu/memory intensive reasoning part of the tool will then run on the faster machine, while you just run the GUI locally, i.e., the web browser of your choice. To do this, you forward your port 3001 to the port 3001 of your server with the following command, replacing SERVERNAME appropriately.

ssh -L 3001:localhost:3001 SERVERNAME

If you do this, we recommend that you run your Tamarin instance on the server in a screen environment, which will continue running even if the network drops your connection as you can later reconnect to it. Otherwise, any network failure may require you to restart Tamarin and start over on the proof.

Tamarin Code Editors

Under the etc folder contained in the Tamarin Prover project, plug-ins are available for VIM, Sublime Text 3, Emacs and Notepad++. Below we details the steps required to install your preferred plug-in.


Using Vim plugin managers

This example will use Vundle to install the plugin directly from this repository. The instructions below should be translatable to other plugin managers.

  1. Make sure you installed Vundle (or your favorite plugin manager)
  2. Put the below, or equivalent instructions, into your .vimrc:
Plugin 'tamarin-prover/editors'
  1. Restart Vim or reload the configuration
  2. Run the Vim command :PluginInstall (or equivalent)

You can install updates through :PluginUpdate.

If you install the Vim support files using this method, you will need to keep the files up-to-date yourself.

  1. Create ~/.vim/ directory if not already existing, which is the typical location for $VIMRUNTIME
  2. Copy the contents of etc/vim to ~/.vim/, including the folders.

Sublime Text 3

editor-sublime is a plug-in developed for the Sublime Text 3 editor. The plug-in has the following functionality: - Basic Syntaxes - Snippets for Theories, Rules, Restrictions and Lemmas

editor-sublime can be install in two ways:

The first and preferred method is with editor-sublime can now be installed via the sublime package manager. See the install and usage documentation, then search and install Tamarin​Prover.

Alternatively it can be installed from source. For Linux / macOS this process can be followed. We assume you have the git tool installed.

  1. Change Directory to Sublime Text packages directory:
    • macOS: cd ~/Library/Application\ Support/Sublime\ Text\ 3/Packages/
    • Linux: cd ~/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages/
  2. Clone the directory into the Packages folder.
    • SSH: git clone
    • HTTPS: git clone
  3. Close and re-open Sublime, and in the bottom right list of syntaxes ‘Tamarin’ should now be in the list.

Please be aware that this plugin is under active development and as such, several of the features are still implemented in a prototypical manner. If you experience any problems or have any questions on running any parts of the plug-in please visit the project GitHub page.


Follow steps from the Notepad++ Wiki using the notepad_plus_plus_spthy.xml file.


The spthy.el implements a SPTHY major mode. You can load it with M-x load-file, or add it to your .emacs in your favourite way.


The language-tamarin package provides Tamarin syntax highlighting for Atom. To install it, run apm install language-tamarin.


How do I uninstall Tamarin using Homebrew?

To uninstall (and “untap” the Tamarin homebrew tap):

What’s with this homebrew-science tap?

Tamarin was previously distributed in the now-closed homebrew-science tap. If you have already installed it through Homebrew, you may have to uninstall and untap that version first:

After an update/pull/release Tamarin does not compile any more.

Try running stack upgrade and stack update. An out-of-date stack version can cause spurious compilation errors.