Model Specification using Processes

In this section, we provide an informal description of the process calculus now integrated in tamarin. It is called SAPIC+, which stands for “Stateful Applied PI-Calculus” (plus) and is described in the following papers:

A Protocol can be modelled in terms of rules or as a (single) process. The process is translated into a set of rules that adhere to the semantics of the process calculus. It is even possible to mix a process declaration and a set of rules, although this is not recommended, as the interactions between the rules and the process depend on how precisely this translation is defined.


A SAPIC+ process is described using the grammar we will introduce and illustrate by example in the followup. Throughout, let n stand for a fresh name, x for a variable, t, t1 or t2 for terms and F for a fact and cond for a conditional, which is either a comparisson t1=t2 or a custom predicate.

Standard applied-pi features

The main ingredients for modelling protocols are network communication and parallelism. We start with the network communication and other constructs that model local operation and call this simpler form of a process, elementary processes:

<P,Q> :: =  (elementary processes)
    new n; P                .. binding of a fresh name
  | out(t1,t2); P           .. output of t2 on a channel t1
  | out(t); P               .. output of t on the public channel
  | in(t,x);~P              .. input on channel t binding input term to $x$}
  | in(x);~P                .. input on the public channel binding to $x$}
  | if cond then P else Q   .. conditional
  | let t1 = t2 in P else Q .. let binding
  | P | Q                   .. parallel composition
  | 0                       .. null process

The construct new a;P binds the fresh name a in P. Similar to the fact Fr(a), it models the generation of a fresh, random value.

The processes out(t1,t2); P represent the output of a message t2 on a channel t1, whereas in(t,x); P represents a process waiting to bind some input on channel t to the variable x. (Previous versions of SAPIC performed pattern matching. Instead, the let construct offers support for pattern matching and, similar to the applied pi calculus (Abadi and Fournet 2001), we bind to a variable.

If the channel is left out, the public channel 'c' is assumed, which is the case in the majority of our examples. This is exactly what the facts In(x) and Out(t) represent.

Example. This process picks an encryption key, waits for an input and encrypts it.

new k; in(m); out(senc(m,k))

Processes can also branch: if cond then P else Q will execute either P or Q, depending on whether cond holds. Most frequently, this is the equality check of form t1 = t2, but you can also define a predicate using Tamarin’s security property syntax.

Let-bindings are allowed to faciliate writing processes where a term occur several times (possibly as a subterm) within the process rule and to apply destructors. Destructor are function symbols declared as such, e.g.:

functions: adec/2[destructor], aenc/2
    adec(aenc(x.1, pk(x.2)), x.2) = x.1

declares a destructor adec. In contrast to the encryption (represented by aenc), the decryption may fail, e.g., the term adec(aenc(m,pk(sk)),sk') is not representing a valid message. A destructor symbol allows to represent this failure. Destructors may only appear in let-patterns (i.e., to the right of =). If one of the destructors in a let pattern fails, the process moves into the else branch, e.g.,

new sk; new sk'; let x=adec(aenc(m,pk(sk)),sk') in P else Q

always moves into Q. Destructors cannot appear elsewhere in the process.

Furthermore, let-bindings permit pattern matching. This is very useful for deconstructing messages. E.g.:

in(x); let <'pair',y,z> = x in out(z); out(z)

To avoid user errors, pattern matchings are explicit in which variables they bind and which they compare for equality, e.g., let <y,=z>=x in .. checks if x is a pair and if the second element equals z; then it binds the first element to x. (Note: previous versions of Tamarin/SAPIC considered let-bindings as syntactic sugar adhering to the same rules as let-bindings in rules. Now let is a first-class primitive. )

The types of processes so far consists of actions that are separated with a semicolon ; and are terminated with 0, which is called the terminal process or null process. This is a process that does nothing. It is allowed to omit trailing 0 processes and else-branches that consist of a 0 process.

We can now come to the operations modelling parallelism. P | Q is the parallel execution of processes P and Q. This is used, e.g., to model two participants in a protocol.

P+Q denotes external non-deterministic choice, which can be used to model alternatives. In that sense, it is closer to a condition rather than two processes running in parallel: P+Q reduces to either P' or Q', the follow-up processes or P or Q respectively.

Now we come to extended processes, that include standard processes, but also events and replications.

<P> :==    (extended processes)
  | event F; P  .. event   
  | !P .. replication

The event construct is similar to actions in rules. In fact, it will be translated to actions. Like in rules, events annotate parts of the processes and are useful for stating security properties. Each of these constructs can be thought of as “local” computations.

!P is the replication of P, which allows an unbounded number of sessions in protocol executions. It can be thought of to be an infinite number of processes P | .. | P running in parallel. If P describes a webserver answering a single query, then !P is the webserver answering queries indefinitely.

Manipulation of global state

The SAPIC+ calculus is a dialect of the applied-pi calculus with additional features for storing, retrieving and modifying global state. Stateful process include extended processes and, in addition, the remaining constructs that are used to manipulate global state.

<P,Q> :==        (stateful processes)
  | insert t1, t2; P .. set state t1 to t2
  | delete t; P  .. delete state t
  | lookup t as x in P else Q ; P  .. read state t into variable x
  | lock t; P .. set lock on t
  | unlock t; P .. remove lock on t

The construct insert t1,t2; P binds the value t2 to the key t1. Successive inserts overwrite this binding. The store is global, but as t1 is a term, it can be used to define name spaces. E.g., if a webserver is identified by a name w_id, then it could prefix it’s store as follows: insert <'webservers',w_id,'store'>, data; P.

The construct delete t; P ‘undefines’ the binding.

The construct lookup t as x in P else Q allows for retrieving the value associated to t and binds it to the variable x when entering P. If the mapping is undefined for t, the process behaves as Q.

The lock and unlock constructs are used to gain or waive exclusive access to a resource t, in the style of Dijkstra’s binary semaphores: if a term t has been locked, any subsequent attempt to lock t will be blocked until t has been unlocked. This is essential for writing protocols where parallel processes may read and update a common memory.

Inline multiset-rewrite rules

There is a hidden feature for experts: inline multiset-rewrite rules: [l] --[a]-> r; P is a valid process. Embedded rules apply if their preconditions apply (i.e., the facts on the left-hand-side are present) and the process is reduced up to this rule. If the rule applies in the current state, the process reduces to P. We advice to avoid these rules whenever possible, as they run counter to the aim of SAPIC: to provide clear, provably correct high-level abstractions for the modelling of protocols. Note also that the state-manipulation constructs lookup x as v, insert x,y and delete x manage state by emitting actions IsIn(x,y'), Insert(x,y) and Delete(x) and enforcing their proper semantics via restrictions. For example: an action IsIn(x,y), which expresses a succesful lookup, requires that an action Insert(x,y) has occurred previously, and in between, no other Insert(x,y') or Delete(x) action has changed the global store at the position x. Hence, the global store is distinct from the set of facts in the current state.

Enforcing local progress (optional)

The translation from processes can be modified so it enforces a different semantics. In this semantics, the set of traces consists of only those where a process has been reduced as far as possible. A process can reduce unless it is waiting for some input, it is under replication, or unless it is already reduced up to the 0-process.

options: translation-progress

This can be used to model time-outs. The following process must reduce to either P or out('help');0:

( in(x); P) + (out('help');0)

If the input message received, it will produce regulary, in this example: with P. If the input is not received, there is no other way to progress except for the right-hand side. But progress it must, so the right-hand side can model a recovery protocol.

In the translated rules, events ProgressFrom_p and ProgressTo_p are added. Here p marks a position that, one reached, requires the corresponding ProgressTo event to appear. This is enforced by restrictions. Note that a process may need to process to more than one position, e.g.,

new a; (new b; 0 | new c; 0)

progresses to both trailing 0-processes.

It may also process to one out of many positions, e.g., here

in(x); if x='a' then 0 else 0

More details can be found in the corrsponding paper (Backes et al. 2017). Note that local progress by itself does not guarantee that messages arrive. Recovery protocols often rely on a trusted third party, which is possibly offline most of time, but can be reached using the builtin theory for reliable channels.

Modeling Isolated Execution Environments

IEEs, or enclaves, allow to run code inside a secure environment and to provide a certificate of the current state (including the executed program) of the enclave. A localized version of the applied pi-calculus, defined in (Jacomme, Kremer, and Scerri 2017) and included in SAPIC, allows to model such environments.

Processes can be given a unique identifier, which we call location:

let A = (...)@loc

Locations can be any term (which may depend on previous inputs). A location is an identifier which allows to talk about its process. Inside a location, a report over some value can be produced:

let x=report(m) in

Some external user can then verify that some value has been produced at a specific location, i.e produced by a specific process or program, by using the check_rep function:

if input=check_rep(rep,loc) then

This will be valid only if rep has been produced by the previous instruction, with m=input.

An important point about enclaves is that any user, e.g an attacker, can use enclaves, and thus produce reports for its own processes or locations. But if the attacker can produce a report for any location, he can break all security properties associated to it. To this end, the user can define a set of untrusted locations, which amounts to defining a set of processes that he does not trust, by defining a builtin Report predicate:

Report(x,y) <=> phi(x,y)

The attacker can then produce any report(m)@loc if phi(m,loc) is true.

More details can be found in the corresponding paper (Jacomme, Kremer, and Scerri 2017), and the examples.

Process declarations using let

It is advisable to structure processes around the protocol roles they represent. These can be declared using the let construct:

let Webserver (identity) = in(<'Get',identity..>); ..

let Webbrowser () = ..

(! new identity !Webserver(identity)) | ! Webbroser

These can be nested, i.e., this is valid:

let A() = ..
let B() = A() | A()


It is possible to declare types to avoid potential user errors. This does not affect the attacker, as these types are disregarded after translation into multiset-rewrite rues.

Types can be declared for function symbols:

functions: f(bitstring):bitstring, g(lol):lol,
            h/1 // will implicitely typed later.

for processes:

new x:lol;                             // x is of type lol now
new y;                                 // y's type will be inferred
out(f(y));                             // now y must be type bitstring ...
// out(f(x));                          // fails: f expects bitstring
out(<x,y>); out(x + y); out(f(<x,y>)); // lists and AC operators are type-transparent
out(h(h(x)));                          // implictely types h as lol->lol
// out(f(h(x)));                       // fails: as h goes to lol and f wants bitstring

and subprocesses:

let P(a:lol) =

Export features

It is possible to export processes defined in .spthy files into the formats used by other protocol verifiers, making it possible to switch between tools. One can even translate lemmas in one tool to assumptions in other to combine these results. The correctness of the translation is proven in (Cheval et al. 2022).

The -m flag selects an output module:

 -m --output-module[=spthy|spthytyped|msr|proverif|deepsec]

The following outputs are supported:

Lemma selection

The same spthy file may be used with multiple tools as backend. To list the tools that a lemma should be exported to, use the output attribute:

lemma secrecy[reuse, output=[proverif,msr]]:

Lemmas are omitted when the currently selected output module is not in that list.

Exporting queries

Security properties are automatically translated, if it is possible. (ProVerif only supports two quantifier alternations, for example.) As, e.g., DeepSec, supports queries that are not expressible in Tamarin’s language, it is possible to define blocks that are covered on export. They are written as:

    text to export

where IDENTIFIER is one of the following:

Smart export features

Natural numbers

SAPIC supports the usage of the builtin natural numbers of both GSVerif and Tamarin.

To use them, variables must be declared with the nat type, and the corresponding builtin must be declared:

builtins: natural-numbers


let ctr1:nat = ctr0 %+ %1 in

The subterm operator << will be translated for GSVerif as <.

Beware, declaring a nat variable in SAPIC does not instantiate a nat Tamarin variable, which may create additional possible sources. To declare and use a true Tamarin nat variable, similar to fresh variables and other, each occurence of the variable must be prefixed with % (or ~ in the case of fresh variables):

builtins: natural-numbers


let ctr1:nat = %ctr0 %+ %1 in

This may however lead to divergence in Tamarin and Proverif threat models.


Some options allow altering the behaviour of the translation, but can leat to divergence between Tamarin and Proverif. They should be used with care. Adding an option is performed in the headers of the file, with:

options: opt1, opt2, ...

The available options are:

Abadi, Martín, and Cédric Fournet. 2001. “Mobile Values, New Names, and Secure Communication.” In POPL, 104–15. ACM.
Backes, Michael, Jannik Dreier, Steve Kremer, and Robert Künnemann. 2017. “A Novel Approach for Reasoning about Liveness in Cryptographic Protocols and Its Application to Fair Exchange.” In EuroS&p. IEEE Computer Society.
Cheval, Vincent, Charlie Jacomme, Steve Kremer, and Robert Künnemann. 2022. \(\{\)SAPIC+\(\}\): Protocol Verifiers of the World, Unite!” In 31st USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security 22), 3935–52.
Jacomme, Charlie, Steve Kremer, and Guillaume Scerri. 2017. “Symbolic Models for Isolated Execution Environments.” In IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy (EuroS&p 2017), 530–45. IEEE.
Kremer, Steve, and Robert Künnemann. 2016. “Automated Analysis of Security Protocols with Global State.” Journal of Computer Security 24 (5): 583–616.